Quality Management System Certificate
Our Achievement
Our Great & Outstanding Achievement ISO 9001:2015 QMS (Quality Management System)Certificate Awarded By GIC and Accredited by United Kingdom Accreditation Service(UKAS)
Certificate of Incorporation
Certificate of Registration in Quality Management System
Certificate of Registration in Enviromental Management System
Yangon Pile License
Mandalay Pile License
Contractor License (Ministry of Construction)
Contractor License (Yangon City Development Committee)
Certificate of Engineering Company Grade(B) from Myanmar Engineering Council
Quality Management System Certificate
Our Achievement
Our Great & Outstanding Achievement ISO 9001:2015 QMS (Quality Management System)Certificate Awarded By GIC and Accredited by United Kingdom Accreditation Service(UKAS)
Certificate of Incorporation
Certificate of Registration in Quality Management System
Certificate of Registration in Enviromental Management System
Yangon Pile License
Mandalay Pile License
Contractor License (Ministry of Construction)