Environmental Management Policy (EMS ISO 14001:2004)
- Achieve global leadership by establishing a family of environmental management system standards based on ISO 14001
- To continuously improve the environment by complying with environmental laws and considering the entire cycle.
- Minimize pollutant emissions by implementing a clean production process and applying BACT (the best control technology available).
- Achieve a zero-waste society and improve eco-efficiency by efficiently using natural resources and by-products.
- Use clean energy and green technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead to low carbon green growth.
- Aim for sustainability and ensure management transparency by disclosing the results of environmental management.
Safety initiatives
The Occupational Safety and Health Department sets company rules. As a regular activity in the workplace, we conduct intensive safety guidance and tool box meetings. Daily site walks and routine inspections are performed by the client/contractor safety team.
We aim to be able to work on all projects in a zero accident workplace.

Safe work procedure (general)
All workers shall wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at the workplace.
The site supervisor shall ensure that the work area is protected by appropriate safety barriers and signs.
All workers must participate and be trained in intensive safety training.
Supervisors/engineers ensure that only trained personnel are engaged and deployed in safe lifting operations.
The supervisor shall thoroughly check the machine setup and proper work platform condition.
Construction site supervisors ensure that only qualified and experienced operators can operate all machines.
Environmental and social impact policy
Waste treatment management (construction soil and bentonite for excavation)
During drilling operations, all excavated soil must be continuously cleaned from the site for safety. All temporarily deposited soil shall be regularly removed by a soil treatment contractor who has obtained a soil treatment transportation permit from the Yangon Urban Development Commission (YCDC).
In order to avoid environmental impact, we have discharged bentonite for drilling into public drainage pipes. Bentonite mixed with excavated soil must be properly dry and clean.
Noise and vibration monitoring
During excavation, sound level meters should be monitored for noise pollution. Vibrations should be continuously monitored with a vibrometer, subject to design vibration limits that do not affect existing surrounding buildings. Vibration levels should not be exceeded according to the design suggestions of the instrumentation you are working on.
Settlement Monitoring (BSM & GSM)
Settlement of existing high-rise building & surrounding environ’ ground level should be monitored by Building Settlement Marker & Ground Settlement Marker.To avoid exceed from Alert level of settlement as per instrumentation design during piling works.

Insurance Policy
Under the insurance category, contractor liability insurance and group life insurance (group term insurance) apply.
- Insurance against property damage
- Insurance of third-party acts disaster
- 0.27% of the contract amount
- AY Myanmar Insurance (AMI)
- Contract number-AMI/LG-000018/0815/YGN